Christmas Theme

Tips on how to choose an appropriate glass ornament for each member of your family


When it comes to Christmas, I always look forward to the family ornament exchange. It’s a great way to see how much our kids have grown and changed since last year.

It’s also a fun way to get creative with the ornaments and make them special for each person in our family. I’ve seen lots of different ideas out there and wanted to share some of my favorites with you.

Understanding the Art of Choosing the Perfect Glass Ornament for Your Family

The key is finding an ornament that fits your personality or interests. Here are some tips on how to choose an appropriate glass ornament for each member of your family:

For Dad:  A father is just like a kid at heart, so you should buy him something that reminds him of his childhood days. Glass ornaments with sports logos or personalized sayings such as “World’s Best Dad” are perfect choices for dad.

For Mom:  As mothers, we do everything we can to make our children happy and healthy. We work hard during the week so they have a nice place to live in, good food to eat and clothes to wear; but on holidays like Christmas, we deserve something special too!

For Grandma:  The best way to find the perfect Christmas gift for grandma is by looking through her collection of photos from past Christmases. You can then select an ornament that will remind her of her favorite memories. Ornaments with photos of grandchildren or grandchildren’s names engraved on them are also great ideas for grandma.

For your Children – Choose an ornament that represents something they enjoy or do well at. If they like sports, look for figurines of their favorite players or teams. You could even give them an ornament featuring their favorite sport or one that represents something they have done well at such as playing in a band or winning a championship game.

If your child loves playing with cars, then opt for an ornament that is shaped like a car or has pictures of cars on it. This will make them happy and excited every time they look at their tree ornaments.

For your Wife/Husband – If your spouse is into golf or fishing, get them a golf ball or fish hook glass ornament. If they have been married for several years, consider getting them an anniversary glass ornament that shows how many years you have been together and what year it is now. If they love to cook, give them an oven mitt or pot holder glass ornament so they will always remember their first holiday season together as husband and wife.

For your spouse – Choose a heart shaped glass ornament that is made from high quality materials. The ornament should also be able to withstand the test of time. You can also opt for a traditional glass ornament that will remind you of the good old days when you were dating and fell in love with each other.

TeenagersGlass ornaments featuring pop culture icons like Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings are great for teenagers who are into those things, but you can also buy other types of glass ornaments that feature sports teams or musicians (like One Direction).

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